Firefox 3 sets a new world record
Mozilla has set a new world record for largest number of software downloads in 24 hours with Firefox3 (see also debate at digg).
With so many people eager to try out Firefox, it's no wonder they were able to achieve so many downloads in just 24hours.
To be fair, I must admit that I, myself, have not yet made the move from Firefox 2 to Firefox 3. A few reasons exist, but beyond them all is a fear to abandon my beloved firefox 2 and advance to the great unknown of a new software. I am aware of all the debates that have been taken place, and that the official version is only out after all the kinks and quirks were dealt with and ridden of, but still there remains that back-of-your-throat feeling that perhaps holding on to the known and the familiar will ease the transfer, in the future, to the newer model.
With so many people eager to try out Firefox, it's no wonder they were able to achieve so many downloads in just 24hours.
To be fair, I must admit that I, myself, have not yet made the move from Firefox 2 to Firefox 3. A few reasons exist, but beyond them all is a fear to abandon my beloved firefox 2 and advance to the great unknown of a new software. I am aware of all the debates that have been taken place, and that the official version is only out after all the kinks and quirks were dealt with and ridden of, but still there remains that back-of-your-throat feeling that perhaps holding on to the known and the familiar will ease the transfer, in the future, to the newer model.
Labels: Firefox

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