Sunday, September 14, 2008

another Pixel Art creation

Reddit spawned another Pixel Art creation, described as "Probably The Best Pixel Art on the Web". I highly disagree with such a statement.

Sure, the huge picture (broken into several medium sized ones) is nice, its total size is huge, but just that by itself does not qualify, in my view, as supreme over other Pixel Art projects out there.

There are many styles of Pixel Art. And I will credit the creators of this one as doing a most elaborate job (which takes a bit too long to download, if you don't mind me saying), which probably took many hundreds or even thousands of hours of work to get done.

That being said, I encourage such work and creations, as they are rather rare to find, even on the web.

I will add, however, that I find I like the works of the people at a bit more to my taste, and not just the fact that they let you download their images (different elements).

You be the judge, check them out both.


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