Monday, November 24, 2008

How many blogs does the world need?

Time is asking just that, how many blogs does the world need.It's an interesting read in this day and age, found via Digg, and though I may not agree with all things said, it still provides an interesting point of view for this current wave/phase of the Information Age.


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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bruce Lee plays Ping Pong and other assorted goods

There's a movie about showing Bruce Lee playing ping-pong versus one player, then two players, while he's using nunchuckus.

link to the movie

Another interesting find in Digg was yet another photoshop FAIL ad. The picture showed Eva Avila holding one hand in the air and another hand holding a music player. The hand in the air has only four fingers, instead of the five fingers she has.

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Saturday, November 22, 2008


Funny pics found across the web usually give you a good laugh. Some people say that if whatever happen is really bad, then it could be even funnier (though I don't share that sentiment).

Those of you that appreciate a good laugh here and there might like to know about the FAIL Blog, which is a funny repository of "FAIL" pics and videos from many different genres. For example, the chicken vs. real chicken I found quite funny.

Check out the ice fail" and more on the FAIL Blog.


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Friday, November 21, 2008

More Perler beads and art

After discussing the Perler beads last time, I found this nice tutorial about how to make some more of them.

The tutorial is about making World of Warcraft related art, and is part of a website I like called WoWInsider. Be sure to check it out.


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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Google to host LIFE photos

Lifehacker reports that we'll be able to search a huge collection of LIFE photos via Google. Those are some 10,000,000 photos for you to view and search through.

You know how much I enjoy Lifehacker, so go check them out too.


StumbleUpon Toolbar Digg this button Reddit button UI facelist gets a new face-lift as UI gets revamped graphics.

The new model comes after a large makeover was done a few months ago, and changes the layout of the different elements on the screen, as well as the placement of the search bar. is still one of the best online streaming music services around the web, with competitors still lagging behind.


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Monday, November 03, 2008

guy builds a scaled F-35

Gizmodo have an article (+movie!) about a guy who's built he' own scaled down F-35 fighter jet.

Scaled down, and doesn't leave the ground, but it is still really cool.


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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Shadow Priest in Outland following patch 3.0.2

With the introduction of the new talent trees, towards the release in November of the Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK for short), all players have had their talent point reimbursed.

This enables everyone to re-spec to a build of their own fancy, and for new outland players just passing level 60 to be able to choose their talents in quite a different way.

With the new trees, we can now use all our talent point on the Shadow tree alone, and forgo the need to invest any point in the other tree builds. That is to say, that one can reach level 70 and still have point only in the Shadow tree, and advance to the other trees only once passing level 70.

For those that do want to have a build that's mostly shadow, but still has a few points in the others, you can invest 51 points in the Shadow Tree, and take the rest to the either the Holy or the Discipline trees.

What is important is to take at least 51 points and invest them in all the dps related talents there are on the Shadow Tree. That way, you can maximize your ability to preform as a DPS caster.

One idea is to invest point in "Twin Disciplines", or you could choose "Unbreakable Will", or any other 1st tier talents that strike your fancy.

What's important, though, is to make sure you've made use of all the points you can that are related to generating damage.

If you liked this post, you might be interested in a few short posts I've written on the Shadow Priests. Part 1 starts here.


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