Thursday, November 30, 2006

Weird Al Yankovic

Some of the funniest parodies around, here are my favorite songs by Weird Al Yankovic:

The Saga Begins:

Amish Paradise:


Eat it:


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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Apple II

A long time ago, somewhere around 1984, we got our Apple IIe. I was young and used it mainly for games (I had so many...) and my dad used it for his needs. About 5 years ago while cleaning out the garage we saw it on one of the shelves. It sure brought back many fond memories, and eventually got thrown away.

To my surprise I've discovered that there are people who still use the Apple II and even write software for it, not to mention make hardware as they need.

One of the most amazing things in computing evolution that I'd never think I'd ever see is this link of some guys using the Apple II to surf the Web!!

This is the site they were surfing to. Simply amazing.

Check this link out to see the Apple II.


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Monday, November 27, 2006

German Coast Guard - Lost In Translation

Just watch the funny commercial:


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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Model RC Airplanes - A380, F-14, F-15

Check out this amazing Airbus A380-

I also found this F-14 Tomcat-

Here is the F-15-

All from YouTube.


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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Google history - tech details and more

A couple of interesting links about the history of Google:


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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Simpson Voice actors@Conan O'Brian

A nice show of talent from some of our favorite Simpsons characters-


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Monday, November 20, 2006

Switching to Linux

I've run across this well written article called "Five things to know when you switch to Linux" describing the five things any Windows user might need to know when switching over to Linux. The article, written by Olivier Cleynen, exemplifies some of the basic questions a window's user might have when considering the platform change, but hasn't really thought of yet.

I appreciate the time Olivier took to give the readers a sample of both the KDE and the GNOME way of GUI, as this is the first such comparison I've seen.

If you're considering crossing the threshold into the Linux universe, this is one guide you'd take along for the ride.


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a music sound graph - from fire!



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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Mouse Love Rice - Chinese version

This is a funny song in Chinese that I first heard at university being performed by one of the students of the East Asian Department.


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best chase scene in a movie

At least that I can remember. Have a look:


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turn Ubuntu into OSX

Ubuntu logoA very detailed guide that helps you config the Ubuntu desktop to look less Ubuntu, and more OSX like.

Very good, simple and detailed instructions help the novice Ubuntu user to make these transitions.

In fact, this tutorial has been around at least since Ubuntu 6.06 came out, which is when I first found it online.


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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Star Trek Spoofs and other trek stuff

Just a couple I've found around YouTube:

Scottish Trek

Family Guy

How they made the PC-Game StarFleet Academy

Labels: ,

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Daft Punk music videos

Several of the best videos the band has made:

One More Time

Digital Love



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so fast... cup stacking world record

that was way fast... too fast for me ;-).


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Bicycle at 172kmph...

Do not try this extreme cycling-> look at what happen to this guy.


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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Web 2.0 fonts

Web2.0 tag
Fonts and more, on this Web 2.0 Font link, by Stuart Brown.

tags: Web2.0


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Do you have a laptop? gotta watch

If you have a laptop, I'm sure you've heard about the exploding battery problem.

Here is a video showing what is MIGHT look like. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.

Makes you wonder why we don't carry around a small fire extinguisher...


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Monday, November 13, 2006

Ever seen Machu Picchu?

How about a picture of Machu Picchu in 1500 MegaPixel? This Extreme-High-Res picture, at 1.5GP, is an eye-wopping fun way to spend a few minutes (or more) in your office/work/break. Scan through the intense detail features of this amazing lost-city of ancient times.

Picture taken by Scott Howard. You may remember him from this 750MP picture of Sydney.


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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Cash, Credit and the story of our student life

Though this isn't the title of the post on Violent Acres that I've come across, I couldn't help but sympathize with the things written there. In this beautifully written post we share a story of the oh-so-familiar problem of shopping, credit line and when our parents finally cut our financial umbilical cord and set us free.

I must admit that I haven't thought about the differences between the affects of credit on middle-class grad school seniors and upper-class. I am all too aware of its affects on me, though, and people who are still in college or grad school should really read this.


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Monday, November 06, 2006

Free Online File Conversion

Web2.0 tag
This is an interesting find, a site that enables you to convert online any of the 200 file types it supports, up to 200MB.

This is the first site of this magnitude that I've come across. The last converter I've found online, which I really like and find it very useful, is ConvertIcon.


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Thursday, November 02, 2006


Web2.0 tag
This is an amazing find for any webmaster out there. How would you like to be able to add to any link on your page a thumbnail screenshot of where the link is headed to?

WebSnapr is an amazing addition to any website*.

Follow the instructions at the bottom, under "How to Use", and you should be on your way.

*There is one down side that I've come up with, and it is not the small watermark they add to the pic. Coding this for every website could be a bit tedious. I need to think about this.


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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Web 2.0 Color Palette

Web2.0 tag
Yet another helpful list of the Web 2.0 color palette.LINK.


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Web Technology Family

This great list sums up the different web technologies and their inner relationships.

A MUST-SEE for any web developer (especially the beginner web-developer).

Here is the link again.


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InstallPad - your fast install wizard

InstallPad logo
Lifehacker have reported about this useful utility that can help automate the download process of various tools from the web.

I believe that the people who would benefit the most from a tools such as the InstallPad are people who have to reinstall their computer or Tech people who do it for a living.

Definitely worth checking out.


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