Saturday, September 20, 2008

Firefox Addons

There are many good addons to use with Firefox. There have also been many lists containing the top 10/20 addons to use.

Over the past several years, I've come to appreciate several addons. Here is a list of some of the more useful addons I've found so far:

NoScript - prevents any scripts from running unless you okey the domain from which they originate.

DownloadThemAll - help to batch download elements from a webpage.

PDFDownload - helps dealing with PDF docs that you want to view/download while surfing the web.

DownloadStatusBar - an amazing feature, one that comes so natural you'll have a hard time thinking how things were before it. It displays the downloaded file and its information in the bottom part of the browser.

FlashBlock - prevents any flash content from downloading or running unless you okey the domain.

Noia 2.0 Extreme - a nice theme with great looking buttons.

Wizz RSS - an RSS extention.

FaviconizeTab - a usefull tool for the firefox poweruser that enables one to minimize the size of the tab in the tab bar to the size of the favicon.

RSS Ticker - an RSS ticker that runs your live bookmarks in the bottom part of the browser.

Coloful Tabs - colors each tab in a different color.

Bookmark Duplicate Detector - warns you when you are about to create a duplicate bookmark.

That's the list so far. I'll probably add a few later on.


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