Thursday, October 23, 2008

Beads and Pixel art

A search in google got me to this article about Perler beaded pixel art. The examples there are really nice, and the links to Flickr really take you one step forward.

Reading about them, and seeing the discussion in Digg about it, is informant too. The fact that is was written more than eighteen months ago does not take anything away from it.

Sifting through the info, I also found a link about how to make your own sprite coasters, which was interesting and very colorful.

From there I got to an even more colorful site, full of game sprites, called

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The Fall (2006) - a movie to see

Last week I saw the movie "The Fall". The movie was screened as part of a fiction and sci-fi festival.

One of the first things I liked about the movie is the fact that it's not your average fiction/fantasy/sci-fi movie, in a sense that parts of the plot were happening in early 20th century, rather than a future or alternate universe.

The cast is splendid, and Catinca Untaru does an amazing job in lifting the movie beyond any other movie I've seen in a while. Her ability to play the role, and interact with the main characters, including actor Lee Pace's two characters, make a difference in the movie and help transcend the movie beyond being a "regular" movie.

The fact that the movie was released in 2006 did nothing to affect my appreciation of it. Something about it seems to transcend beyond.


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Grocery List picture ad

The Grocery List picture ad is, in my view, a great example of popular content approach to art. It features all you have to buy in an artistic way.

Found in Digg.

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Sarah Silverman and lots of Celebrities in an ad for "Don't Vote"

The discussion in digg that leads you to the "Don't Vote" video, is just amazing.

There are so many famous actors participating in it, that it is fun to watch just by itself.

I'm not sure who's behind this movie (Sarah or someone else), but it sure reminds me of The Great Schlep, which appeared a few weeks ago.


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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Wordpress tips

Getting 30+ tips, tricks and hacks for wordpress is something you'd surely like to know about, whether you have a wordpress blog at the moment or not.

Some of the tips are cross platform, and can be benefitial for all bloggers out there. Others are a bit more specific, but you can check that out after the jump.

The Hongkiat blog itself is very interesting, and has quite a few things of note.

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Making music in Linux

Linux can provide us, the users, with many great alternative programs to fill our everyday needs. Digg brought my attention to a post in about free and professional music production software for Linux.

The fact that the programs in question are made for the Linux platform might have been a deterant for some people about ten years ago. As Linux becomes more mainstream, whether Ubuntu, Mandriva, Redhat or any other distrobution, many people can see its advantages and use it for their own befenit.

What I find unique about the post at is that it is not often that you get a real chance to see how a transition to Linux can benefit you in more than just switching an OS.

What's more, now that the post has been featured on Digg (and by now probabaly in other social news networks), there are many comments left by visiters, some with more valuable links, tips or advice.

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