Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How glasses affect your look

One of the funny and so-true pictures I've come across deals with the way glasses change your look. Of course it's all in a humorous way, and that's the only way to take it.

See it here.

Note: Although I found it via Digg, I do not put the link here since I've come to realize that there could be a problem with the site that was linked via Digg. FYI.


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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Helvetica - typography movie

I came across this link to the movie, dealing with typography.

I haven't seem it myself, but it is definitely added to the "soon to be watched" movies.

The movie is 1 hour, 22 minutes. You can read more about it in the details about it in its page on IMDB page and in the Helvetica official homepage.


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