Extensions for FireFox and the Y! Widget Engine

I have seen some tutorials before, and this is the latest one I ran into.
This also raises the question I've been pondering about, to write a widget for the Yahoo!Widget engine, or to write an extension for FireFox. Both are compelling, but since the last two engine reforms Yahoo! have done to the engine, I find it less and less to my liking. It seems as if they are trying to take the good, nice, open-source/community development atmosphere that existed during the days for v.1 of the engine.
If I were to advise them on how to make it better now, I would suggest:
1. Remove the Y! logo from the engine and from any popup screen.
2. If step 1 is not available, at least minimize it and maximize the widget logo.
3. Spread word about the widget engine across the Y! domains, in form of ads and others.
4. Rally open-source supporters and other to contribute.
5. Support (how about a financial prize?) crossplatform widgets that incorporate the Y! Widgets and other systems.
Labels: Firefox

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